Parabolic bridges the gap between the healing process and sports performance. Its doctorate-level physical therapists and nationally certified sports performance coaches work symbiotically to treat and strengthen each client to maximize their potential. They lead the field with practices that are sought after by professional athletes and trainers alike. These professionals are trained to identify and correct their clients’ physical limitations—the movements that have been keeping their peak performance at bay– even absent an injury. This level of training has, until now, been reserved for only the most elite athletes. Parabolic is dedicated to bringing its expertise to the general public. The driving philosophy behind Parabolic is that a personal investment in proper bodily movement and balance will unleash maximum physical potential. It offers individualized attention and small class environments with full evaluations for clients, all within a specialized program. A personalized program for each client incorporates his/her strengths, limitations and goals. Therefore, teach workout is purpose-oriented. Monitored workouts are routinely adjusted to achieve an optimal outcome. In this way, Parabolic’s clients–like their professional athlete counterparts–can return from injury and reach their peak physical potential. Parabolic focuses in on four core values. The first of which is the client experience is their top priority. From the moment clients open the door, they are respected and valued. Their friendly environment allows the client time to be spent purposefully.
The second value is to leave it better than how you feel it. Every Parabolic employee’s actions represent their pride in the company. They treat each other and their work environment with the same respect that they treat their customers. The third value is the challenge complacency. They seek constant improvement—in their business, their services themselves ourselves. The elite parabolic staff has a journey to excellence through education, risk-taking and learning from mistakes. The final value is always delivered more than expected. Their products are better because they over-deliver. GWP Inc. makes sure to show the superiority of parabolic through video production and other forms of advertising and marketing.
