10-31 A Family Company
In 1985, Bill Stender created 10-31 Incorporated. He saw the need for custom mounts with the ability to hold priceless items without taking away from their uniqueness. So, five years later, Bill created 10-31 Cabinetry after being asked to design and build custom cabinetry. Since creative excellence and quality workmanship were a given, the bigger questions became figuring out how to scale against individually focused creative executions. The answer came three years later in the form of Art Display Essentials. ADE focused on small to medium size display components created in house and manufactured in mass production. This business model, different than the first two divisions, produced volume sales at much lower price points.
In 2012, the opportunity presented itself again. A vendor selling easels sold his business to 10-31. This business fit nicely within the Art Display Essentials division under the Easels by Amron brand. As a result, in 2013, Q-cord was brought into the 10-31 fold. Designed and developed with his son Evan, the Q-cord answered the need for an aesthetically pleasing retractable barrier system. Several other products used by high-end collectors and museums, such as Museum Rails and Museum Display cases, fall under the 10-31 umbrella.
10-31 continues to grow from a simple shop in Wharton, NJ to a company where there are no boundaries either in the degree of a project’s difficulty or its geographical location. 10-31 Incorporated are experts at developing custom solutions for museums, collectible mounts, and displays. Their custom millwork and display cabinets are of the highest craftsmanship and quality. Art Display Essentials are affordable small and medium-sized display solutions and the Q-cord is a unique and innovative product to replace belt barriers. Besides for expertise, 10-31 is built on family values and they live up to these core values. These values include faith, intelligence, integrity, hard work, humility, trustworthiness, and collaboration. GWP Inc. took these values to heart and made sure they were executed in the new website, branding of the company and print advertising.